A transformation story

This is a transformation story.  It is not epic, or even unique, it’s my story from my earnest beginnings to gratifying finish line. 

I remember the day I first knew that I needed to take action.  I was wearing my favorite bikini, happily enjoying the summer day, while sitting on the edge of our pool. I looked down and saw three rolls of fat cascading down my belly.  Suddenly, I felt gross and wrong.  It now seemed that all of my mother’s womens’ magazines were talking directly to me.  I needed to eat nothing but cottage cheese and melba toast.  I needed ankle weights and leg-warmers.  I needed “thinner-thighs-in-thirty-days”.  I was 10 years old.

Looking back, no one would have called me fat.  However, I endured phrases like “pleasantly plump” and “nicely proportioned”.  In weak moments my mother would sigh and say “if you’d just lose your baby fat you’d be pretty.”

So I followed all the rules, I attempted to eat less and exercise more.  I didn’t become obsessive like some girls, I was just constantly monitoring and constantly trying new things.  Some big spread in a woman’s magazine would get me inspired and I’d really strive for those size 5 jeans.  I never starved myself; I enjoyed food and eating too much.  But I was convinced, as we all were, that carbohydrates were healthy.  A bagel and cream cheese was diet food.  I tried to eat more “fruits&vegetables”, which really means lots of fruit, because it’s easy and requires no preparation.  I’d swim, I’d run, I’d attend aerobic dance classes.  I never lost more than a few pounds for my endeavors. 

I became a vegetarian. I learned to cook and bake bread.  I was really good at this; my bagels were awesome.  I learned about good, honest food. I planted a garden and visited farmers markets. I added meat back into my diet and became a “foodie”.  I ate tons of fruit thinking it was sliming as well as delicious. I switched from sugar to honey and maple syrup.  I discovered triathlons.  I lifted weights with my husband before work.  I ran 5ks. Still, it felt like I was treading water.   When my youngest child hit first grade I asked myself “what do you want to be?”  The answer came quickly: “an ultra marathoner.”  So I did it.  I trained for half- marathons, marathons, and ultras. I was eating “right”, really “right”, and exercising a great deal.  But I WAS STILL GAINING WEIGHT!  Not just pounds but girth. It was exasperating!  How can a person train six months for a marathon and not lose a single pound?

I was doing everything that should have led to vibrant health and a lean body.  And yet, I had the exact opposite. For all of my hard work I was still neither fast nor very strong.  I wasn’t physically confident either, and always felt unattractive. I  hid myself in baggy pants and bulky hand-knit sweaters. I felt demoralized and frustrated.

I began to feel old when the stomach and skin issues began.  The eczema on the backs of my hands became chronic.  I started bloating and burping after every meal.  It felt as if I was allergic to food. Trips to the doctors and endoscopy revealed nothing wrong.  This was beyond depressing because I had fallen in love with all things food; from growing and cooking it, to creating elaborate meals to share with family and friends. 

 My training seemed to go in fits and starts as well.  I’d be running consistently, ramping up for my next race and then I’d get sick, or I’d sprain an ankle or my hip would start to bother and I’d have to lay off of running.  My body felt like it was breaking down. Speed work would destroy me.  I’d eat like an animal afterwards and be tired for days. My fitness seemed perpetually stuck in the same place.  I felt as if I was always starting over.

It was my pursuit of longer and longer distances that led me towards the right path and each step in the journey was more illuminating than the last.   I started with a search for a fuel that wouldn’t upset my stomach during my runs.  The sweet gels recommended for runners were just tearing me up inside.  What I found were sweet potatoes. These led me to the paleo diet and the FODMAP diet.   From here I jumped to the Primal Blueprint and to WHOLE30.  I discovered using my fat as fuel!  I found that less running and slower running are actually better to achieve my goals.  I changed what I put in my mouth and everything else changed too.  It was as if I was walking into a land of perpetual sunrise.  Suddenly, everything made sense and more importantly, everything worked.  I got leaner, stronger, and faster.  My stomach problems vanished as did my skin issues.  I discovered mobility work and the idea that we are responsible for regular maintenance of our bodies.  If I get a niggling pain, I address it right away.  I now focus on running form to get faster and not break myself down repeatedly with speedwork. I’ve started to place in my age group at local races!  My jeans no longer have a crumpled waistband. I have energy and confidence for new endeavors and new directions in my life. 

With my new found energy and enthusiasm I created EverBetterLife.net.  I named it that because that’s exactly what this journey feels like.  It has been absolutely joyous and I want to share it with as many people as possible!    As a holistic running coach I know I can help people dispel the diet and exercise myths that are holding them back and chart a new path to achieve their goals.  It’s going to be so fun!  “The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago.  The second best time to plant a tree is now.”